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Welcome to the World Of Tomorrow, where fridges suffer certificate errors. Just like everything else


Unless you are running a large commercial-style kitchen of some sort, or are a food retailer of some type, where inventory control is a necessity, this seems like an awful lot of effort to go through for a common household kitchen.

If you have a big family, say 8 kids or something, then assign to one of them the chore of keeping the inventory, that'll help keep em out of trouble.

If you are single or a couple with only one kid, how hard is it to attach a small notepad with a pen to the fridge where you note on it items that need to be purchased. I.e., a traditional shopping list. Or, if you want to be techie about it, there are plenty of 'list' apps for phones/tablets, so use one of them.

Hell ,when I'm bored at work I think about what I want to make for dinner, and buy the ingredients on the way home.

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