Reply to post: Re: Not sure the comparison is valid

Chemists bitten by Python scripts: How different OSes produced different results during test number-crunching

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Not sure the comparison is valid

I would not be keen on having the calls do anything beyond their stated function. You want results sorted in a certain way? Then sort them yourself. As someone else pointed out, naming files in a weird way and relying on that naming to properly order your data is a dumb idea. (I'd either timestamp it or load it into a database with a sequence number to keep things in the correct order. )

Next we'll find that one's LOCALE_* settings adversely affected some research project.

That the strange results came from two different releases of MacOS is bothersome. I'd better dollars to donuts that there was nothing in any end-user accessible release notes that noted that some functions had changed at the OS level that might have raised red flags to the more astute researchers. Same goes for the Python development team. How extensive is their testing? Couldn't their testing have caught the change?

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