Reply to post: Re: I'd love to know the rationale...

MacOS wakes to a bright Catalina sunrise – and broken Adobe apps

Zolko Silver badge

Re: I'd love to know the rationale...

"It's the MacOS Classic vs OS X (or the artist currently known as macOS) scenario all over again"

no, it's not: there were technical good reasons to go from Classic to OS-X, as well as from PowerPC to Intel. There was a loss and a gain, and the gain was superior to the loss so people moved along.

What is the technical reason to drop support for 32-bit ? What do they (Apple) or their customers gain by that loss (of 32-bit) ? I can only see 2 reasons, and both are bad: laziness from Apple, and forced-update for their partners (like Adobe).

The customers don't gain anything by that. So Apple will probably force-update their customers to 10.15 as did Microsoft for Windows 10: bad omens.

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