Reply to post: Where do you think the Kármán line lies?

Spacecraft that told us 'you're screwed' finally gives up the ghost after doubling its shelf life


Where do you think the Kármán line lies?

"Depending on where you think the Kármán line lies"

And because it is entirely arbitrary, a matter of opinion, without any particular scientific relevance, it simply doesn't matter.

Indeed, the only people it matters to are those determined to get a 'I r a Astronaut' badge, which is where Branson's daft trips to nowhere come in. He's moved the Kármán line down by 20km so that he can still claim he's reaching "space", because his equipment cannot reliably and safely reach 100km (and personally I'm still a tad sceptical about the safety of the system at all—not sure that Beardie should have said he'll be taking his kids on the first flight). It's all just marketing rubbish designed to separate rich idiots from their money in exchange for a few minutes of vomiting and a tin badge. If you want a momentary freefall experience, go on a rollercoaster.

As any true astronaut will point out, "Orbit is what counts". The differences between sub-orbital vomit-comets and true orbital spaceflight are orders of magnitude. It's a real pity the money spent on the Branson silliness didn't go towards proper spaceflight.

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