Reply to post: Re: @ThatOne - "Media Bridge, based in Virginia, and LCX Digital, based in California"

Remember the millions of fake net neutrality comments? They weren't as kosher as the FCC made out

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: @ThatOne - "Media Bridge, based in Virginia, and LCX Digital, based in California"

We need an Internet law that forces you to tell us whether you're Chinese when posting nonsense like this.

There is absolutely nothing benevolent about China or its government. Nothing. Every dictator in modern (and almost certainly ancient as well) Chinese history has been responsible for thousands or millions of deaths, systematic oppression based on ethnicity, religion, ideology, and nearly any other factor that serves his purpose, an arbitrary puppet judiciary, and widespread and persistent official corruption. Mr Xi has the blood of Uighurs and Hong Kongers on his hands, innocent Canadians in arbitrary detention as a favour to a petty-minded business associate, and those are just the obvious things we read in the newspapers. It's sad that the culture that pioneered some of the concepts of fair and honest government has regressed to nothing more than systematic thuggery while so much of the world has adopted and improved upon the original Chinese ideas.

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