Reply to post: Judges are human too

*Microsoft taps your shoulder* Hi sorry yeah, we're still suing US govt for right to tell people when they are spied on

Big Brother

Judges are human too

And subject to the same biases as the rest of us, despite some people seeming to think they are above partisan interference in matters that should not go to a court of law. And they certainly shouldn't think their laws should be used to judge people in another country - something that doesn't just apply to "Team America".

Does the government's "right" to spy on the people transcend the people's right to know they are being spied upon? Maybe yes, maybe no depending on circumstances - but if you don't like it, find a candidate who will stand on a platform of open government with full transparency of such things and vote for that candidate. Just remember that some politicians have been known to make promises (and laws) that they conveniently forget after they get elected... Of course, you can always unseat them at the *next* election - unless they block it.

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