Reply to post: I think it is all about the curvature

Black holes are like buses: You wait for one – and three turn up at once in galaxy merger


I think it is all about the curvature

There are 3 types of spacetime, AdS (Anti de Sitter, collapsing), Minkowski (flat), and dS (de Sitter, expanding). This is what defines the cosmological constant in general relativity field equations.

Now we have seen plenty galaxies merge, why not think bigger and also say universes can merge just the same - and thats where the idea of local curvature comes in, what we call the visible universe is just the flat Minzowski plane we can see. We cant see up the hills (dark energy), or down the wells (dark matter) because we use light as our yard stick to measure everything, with the cosmic microwave background defining the edge where it turns up hill (everything flows away from the edge).

But matter and galaxies could just as easilly drop down the hilly edge of the visible universe (from another universe as it were, or more like a part of dark energh we cant see), just as we can see matter fall into a black hole. So assuming every galaxy is the same age as the visible universe is wrong, yes the visible universe aka the spacetime it is made of is almost flat (very small cosmological constant), but the matter in it doesnt have to be the same age as it.

What we see is just the valley surrounded by hills, assuming this universe is all there is and ever will be and it came from nothing in a big bang is just stupid small minded thinking at this point. Trying to conbince people the universe is not homoginous is a big task, but when you accept it, black hole size and age, dark matter and dark energy are no mystery at all, they are just matter and energy in different shapes of spacetime to where we are in the flat valley of the visible universe, with erroding hills that give us the expansion in all directions.

Now I have explained it using valleys, hills and wells, does it sound any different than what we see, even on this planet in nature? Why should the universe as a whole act any differently?

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