Reply to post: Re: Linux is dead

The D in Systemd is for Directories: Poettering says his creation will phone /home in future

jake Silver badge

Re: Linux is dead

I've been living with and contributing to Slackware for a long time. I've never seen anyone wringing their hands over systemd getting in the way of the Slack init, nor userland. The upcoming 15.0 release will be systemd free ... and if the current 14.X is anything to go by (7 years old, no EOL in sight), 15.X will be with us for a lot of years. Note that Slack's init is a hybrid of SysV and BSD ... It is very resilient in the face of cancers like systemd. I rather suspect that other distros will be looking into the Slack way of doing things before too much longer.

For the record, I haven't had a single system crash or failure to boot that wasn't my own damn fault since the release of Slack 14.0 in September of 2012. This includes the Slack installations that I maintain for friends and family (this timeframe and these results work for BSD, too).

Seriously, try it alongside BSD. I not only advocate it, I employ the pair as my solution.

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