Reply to post: Re: progress has a direction, away from ignorance and towards understanding

Chef roasted for tech contract with family-separating US immigration, forks up attempt to quash protest

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: progress has a direction, away from ignorance and towards understanding

tell it to the brexiteers who claim that cheap EU labour - baaaad. Of course, this discrimination isn't helping - so what? People really believe that once those pesky polacks are gone, no more GB and school overcrowding, . You bet, cause those GPs and schools are staffed by the now gone bloody foreigners. Who happen(ed) to pay taxes to fund nhs and schools. Oops. How about climate change? Lalala, we're not listening, fake news, fake news!

So please, don't tell me that "Every human being understands that progress has a direction, away from ignorance and towards understanding", because most people are just stupid and don't give a fuck about progress or basic cause and effect.

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