Reply to post: Re: RFID tags instead of pictures.

Tesco parking app hauled offline after exposing 10s of millions of Automatic Number Plate Recognition images

Ben Tasker

Re: RFID tags instead of pictures.

> Since you are buying into the system, it isn't invasion of privacy per se (contracts, EULAS).

That's not really an accurate statement.

It isn't a *forced* invasion of privacy, but the data collected/generated by it could still be used *for* an invasion of privacy

With that system the analogue to this story would be the RFID-s db being left open to the world, so I could then tell that registration ABCD123 is linked to RFID with serial 1234. From that I can see that RFID 1234 drives into the walmart car-park at 14:00 every tuesday and stays there for 2 hours.

Depending on what they're storing, I may not be able to tell make/model so easily (I'd need to look it up from the reg), but if they *are* storing it then it'd be easier to look up lucrative makes (query for lexus) than with the images.

The RFID version does sound convenient, and does entail more choice than with a film-all approach, but a privacy panacea it is not.

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