Reply to post: Re: Fahrenheit?

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jmch Silver badge

Re: Fahrenheit?

"Metric system is based in absolute science"

erm... not really. how do you think the original metre was defined. NOW it's defined based on the distance that light can travel in a given time, but we defined that 'given time' based on a physical object, and that physical object was defined by a bunch of toffs in Ancient France*

What is more accurate to say is that the metric system is based on decimal units and so it makes conversions and working at different scales considerably easier since it matches our commonly used decimal number system. But it could work equally well in a base-12 number system, for example 12 inches to a foot, 1728 inches to a kilo-inch etc. (with kilo, mega etc defining powers of 12 instead of powers of 10).

The metric system is superior to imperial because of that internal consistency, but the basic units are equally as arbitrary.

*not exactly, but close enough

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