Reply to post: Re: But has

The wheels on the bus go round and... Oh dear. Chancellor Sajid Javid unveils spending review

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: But has

Technetium-99m is used in millions of diagnostic procedures. It has a half-life of around 6hrs, so is impractical to transport long distances. So hospitals milk moly-cows that feed off molybdenum-99, which has a half-life of 66hrs. Which means regular shipments molybdenum-99 from-

I'm not sure you meant to type this, alternatively, I am finding it difficult to parse hospitals milk moly-cows that feed off molybdenum-99.

In either case, the fact remains, we are going to experience disruptions to the smooth flow of traffic and goods across the various ports of the UK. The consequences of the disruption will range from minor delay at one end to expiration of the transported produce at the other.

That is not something that can be mitigated either for financial reasons or practical reasons.

But HFR already ships to the UK, so other than paperwork, what changes Nov 1st?

The requirement to fill in large numbers of complicated declarations resulting in tailbacks, as inevitably, people complete the declaration incorrectly.

Back pressure occurs, the Queue fills, disruptions occur.

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