Reply to post: Re: The kids are united.

How do you do, fellow kids? Facebook now Boomerbook as British oldies outnumber teens


Re: The kids are united.

That's very true. However, I would caution against looking up your old girlfriends... Okay, I should probably re-phrase that. Caution against getting in contact with your girlfriends and mates from school. I just recently heard from one of my best mates from school (1987 was our final year).

Oh dear. Sometimes it's better to remember people the way they were, instead of becoming familarised with the idiot that they grew up to be. What a disappointment.

Of course, he probably says the same thing about me.

And some of the girls I had a crush on at school are proper boilers now.

Of course, they probably say the same thing about me... :-)

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