Reply to post: Re: Entire populations: State sponsored?

Google security crew sheds light on long-running super-stealthy iOS spyware operation


Re: Entire populations: State sponsored?

What if the idea of the 'state' is in effect captured as a proxy or extension of a broad spectrum corporately networked capacity?

What if whether known to Apple or not, agents within its employ set up or leaked the various components independently that can then be drawn together by a third party at some remove?

The ability to conceal toxic debt or intent in complex instruments of packaged obfuscation is part of the attempt of gaining power by the back door (deceit). The essential being to armour against exposure by trails of plausible deniability - which is itself the usurpation of National Security (anywhere) for private agenda.

Rather than make a conspiracy theory - why not see that this is the way the mind works when it no longer trusts, believes or engages in relational communication - not least from believing its own spin.

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