Reply to post: Re: An easy way to save power...

Hey, it's 2019. Quit making battery-draining webpages – say makers of webpage-displaying battery-powered kit


Re: An easy way to save power...

The big problem is not so much any given technology, but that web developers are just not paying attention to the needs of the user, so efficiency and general usability are not on the radar. When I've contacted those responsible for web sites that aren't usable, the standard response is "well it works for me", which really says it all - the implication being that it's somehow my fault I can't use their wonderful masterpiece.

SURE it works for them; when they're sitting on a development-quality workstation, on a 10GB network connection to the server down the hall.

Seriously, 20 years ago one of our validation tests was to see how well it performed over an AOL dialup connection (I had been trying to figure out how to simulate dialup within the test lab itself, but couldn't get that far before the project died)

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