Reply to post: Re: Identifying gender now considered controversial?

The Tell-Tale Heart! Boffins build an AI that can tell your sex using just your heartbeat


Re: Identifying gender now considered controversial?

Just don't point out biological reality to a Trans person. Doing that is apparently transphobic now.

Sorry folks, even if we could change the X and Y chromosomes in every cell of your body it wouldn't make you female since you would still be the product of the male developmental program, in utero, postnatally and during puberty. Which is males can last until 20/21. I was married at 20 and found I couldn't fit a dress shirt I'd bought at 18. My shoulders had widened and my neck was bigger.

Not an uncommon effect and why we have things like Colts rugby. My wife had no such problem. Well until after the eldest was born she didn't fit her old pre pregnancy jeans, her hips had widened.

Ineluctable biological facts of life there.

BTW it isn't just my axe handle shoulders, I have barrel chest and running gives me tree trunk legs. Probably helped by cycling 5 hilly miles to secondary school and back for 5 years that make me unlikely to pass for female. No amount of hormones are going to change those. Oh yeah and the male version of the family nose is quite different from the female version.

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