Reply to post: Re: 50 miles???

Electric vehicles won't help UK meet emissions targets: Time to get out and walk, warn MPs

Intractable Potsherd

Re: 50 miles???

"So around 60% of UK homes have (or have the potential to have) a private car parking space and/or garage."

I have lived in several places around the UK, and am familiar with many others. In every place I have lived, there have been semis and detached houses with no potential for for private car parking. My last house but two was one of them, for example. Where I currently live, there are a lot of very nice houses built on very steep hills leading to a river - no chance of private parking, or people would have done it. For others, it would be a choice of a garden or somewhere to put a car. This probably affects your figures significantly. Also, whilst the bare figures for terraces in the country as whole seem small, there are significant numbers of available housing stock in some towns and cities that are terraces, and these are the most affordable housing. Once again, you seem to be suggesting that poor people shouldn't have cars, which undermines any argument you have.

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