Reply to post: Re: Mmmmmm

SELECT code_execution FROM * USING SQLite: Eggheads lift the lid on DB security hijinks


Re: Mmmmmm

It does not matter if the Python library code has not been updates, as long as it is linked to an updated version of the sqlite library.

On most Linux distros packages (like Python) using SQLite will just depend on the OS sqlite library and that will be updated. This is why I far prefer the traditional Linux way of specifying package dependencies to statically compiling them it. One update fixes a shared library everywhere it is used.

For MacOS it comes with the OS, so should get fixed by an OS update. Not always true on MacOS because a lot of stuff is statically linked into apps, but in this case it should be fine (unless apps statically link a different version or similar).

That leaves Android (lots of people do not get OS updates) and Windows (likely to be statically linked) as the potential problems.

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