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Bit of a time-saver: LibreOffice emits 6.3 with new features, loading and UI boosts

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

I've swapped the keyboard commands for "paste as unformatted text" and "paste" in my copy, and so far, that appears to persist between upgrades, even on MacOS.

In earlier versions of LO and OO that took running a macro, because someone had apparently decided that such a thoroughly useful command for "paste as text" should only ever be reachable from a menu selection, but as if (I think LO v5) it became a separate command which I immediately used to swap around with the usual paste command. Works like a charm.

Alas, the same person was in charge of deciding how accents should be entered. On a Mac, there is a keyboard entry process which allows you to enter accented characters, even if you don't have them directly on your keyboard, but OO/LO are the only applications available for Mac which wholly ignore that. The OO/LO approach for entry of accented characters is painful, from a UI perspective it's not a great success and 6.3 merely continues to plod along the same line.

The result is that it is not very usable for people who write in multiple languages on a Mac unless they install a Swiss keyboard which is a pain in the proverbial for programming (and you have to get used to QWERZ, but that takes less time than the accursed AZERTY that the French came up with, pardon my French).

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