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Talk about unintended consequences: GDPR is an identity thief's dream ticket to Europeans' data

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Black Hat conference: entertainment?

I don't know if it's just a coincidence or an actual trend, but this is the second article that I read in the last two days about flawed "research" presented in that conference, by people who in neither case were subject matter experts (in fact, as far as I can ascertain they were both complete unknowns) and predictably drew flawed conclusions from their "research".

I wonder if the guy who ran this presentation so much as bothered to read the GDPR. If you skip the recital it is not even particularly long nor too technical.

If he had, he would have found out that the Regulation does in fact cover this ground throughout, with particular emphasis in Article 25 and the whole of Section 2. It also has to be read in conjunction with other EU and national laws (not at my work computer now, so can't provide the references) that deal with computer security, labour and commerce, and which are relevant.

In other words, if you want your fifteen minutes of fame at this conference, pick a subject that has "media pull" and give a talk on some sensationalist (but incorrect) claim. It is guaranteed that your name will be in print.

Note: stay clear of subjects that can "bite back" (tech giants and so on). Go for stuff that the general public are vaguely familiar with, but only from media reporting not from direct knowledge. Good subjects are aviation, GDPR, autonomous driving, GPS and so on.

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