Reply to post: Re: Bah!

Y'know how everyone hated it when tuition fees went up? Cutting them now could harm science, say UK Lords

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Bah!

"The proles will not be permitted any education, that might cause them to get angry with the generation who denied them an equal future."

Equal to what? I assume you're too young to have heard the empty promises that the European Common Market was only to make trade fair and equitable throughout Europe, and would never, no not ever, lead in any way to any attempts to impose centralised rule on the individual nations. Function creep writ large, except in the eyes of those who choose not to see.

And if you want to get angry with anyone, start with the Remainers who seem to think that "one person, one vote" only applies to those who voted Leave - Remainers obviously should get more. The nation voted Leave - by a narrow margin, but we voted Leave. Except now some people think that Politicians should get as many votes as they want on it (as long as it hinders Brexit), and people like Gina Miller think it fair to use the British Legal system to overturn lawful votes as well.

Precedent is a dangerous thing - now Miller has successfully got the courts to intervene in the political process, there is little to stop other people with a lot of money paying lawyers to get involved too. Which, for anyone who thinks it's only the Tories with rich backers, should be making those people very, very nervous...

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