Reply to post: Re: Aliens

The NSA's own bastard operator from Hell, aka Edward Snowden, puts out memoir next month

Cliff Thorburn

Re: Aliens

Is it not the Puppet Masters in true Alien Phorm operating the true strings of Government and Mass Media for mass control with tentacles controlling the daily puppet show amFM?

Does Genetically Modified and pre programmed MKUltra hush shush experimentation and consequential evolutionary change qualify for hidden secret hiding in plain sight and monitored by spectre sp00ky spooks carried out in countries not subject to countless conundrums such as ALCU and other constitutional confines?

Or perhaps releasing genetically modified organisms with religious connotations in Adam and Eve type parallel paradoxes does or does not count?

Lots of food for thought and ap plenty of dot connecting pre programmed programmables in plausable psy ops operations conducted by seemingly never ending black budgets when big bets are at stake in SIMply truth is stranger than fiction exploits for those enlightened enough to see everything and everywhere such great games plays are carried out on the wider world stage

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