Reply to post: Re: When will they learn?

Microsoft hikes cost of licensing its software on rival public clouds, introduces Azure 'Dedicated' Hosts


Re: When will they learn?

It's a security risk *for your company* if your sys admin don't know how to / can't manage it. They also can't trust you to do so, it's them on the line if anything happens, not the user.

I suspect that's what they mean.

You'd get told RHEL or bugger off here too. :)

As a sysadmin if you let people pick an OS, you end up with all of them in use, with the expectation to support them when things break.

It's all fine and dandy having "cover your arse" emails, but when half of dev (or whatever) is sat not working, guess who is made to fix it? Hint: Not the user who insisted on ubuntu, or chromium, or Mac OS etc when you're a windows shop or a RHEL shop or whatever,

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