Reply to post: Re: Shocked

UK parliament sends snippy letter to Zuck and his poodle Clegg as it seems Facebook has been lying again

Ben Tasker

Re: Shocked

My guess would be that the downvoters read

> just like the rest of the Libdems.

and recognised that Hartley is likely talking out of his arse.

Clegg's Lib Dems were years ago now, and there've been multiple changes in both leadership and membership.

Not to mention it does seem a little unfair to single out the Lib Dems, rather than also pointing out we've got the worst of Tory bastards in senior Government positions, and Labour's a complete and utter shit-show too, and lets not mention the company that calls itself The Brexit Party, complete with a leader who can't be deposed and lies more easily than he shits.

I mean, I downvoted for the first reason - particularly as the Lib Dems are the only party that seem to be serious about trying to stop Brexit now that it's clear what an absolutely astoundingly fucking stupid idea it is.

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