Reply to post: Re: Technically Do-Able

Backdoors won't weaken your encryption, wails FBI boss. And he's right. They won't – they'll fscking torpedo it

Rosie Davies

Re: Technically Do-Able

Wouldn't surprise me if I were wrong, I'm good at being wrong.

I was thinking PKI type stuff.

Keypair 1 is used to allow encryption between the two people who are having the conversation (sender's private, receivers public).

Keypair 2 for the comms data, (sender's private, $somewhere[comms_data_store] public)

Keypar 3 for the stream containing the same as keypair 1, (sender's private, $somewhere[warrant_required_data_store] public).

Access to the private key for 2 and 3 would be the bit that's subject to controls, far moreso for 3 than 2. That's also the reason I said a bit over double the traffic as I was starting from the point that there's already one encrypted stream, not one unencrypted stream.

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