Reply to post: Re: So who at the FBI or DA got a promotion out of this?

He's coming home, he's coming... Hutchins' coming home: British Wannacry killer held in US on malware dev rap set free by judge

Chairman of the Bored

Re: So who at the FBI or DA got a promotion out of this?

No downvote because I agree the system is pretty jacked up, but where is your evidence the confession is coerced?

We have to be careful with hyperbole. It doesn't help ones cause.

I know coercion is used but I've not read anything in the Hutchins defense suggesting his counsel expressed concern about the plea... We all do stupid things when we are kids. Some of its actionable. Sometimes (usually?) a guilty plea means ... Guilty. In this case the good outweighed the bad when he had his day in court. Other than the two years he pissed away waiting, I'm rather glad with the outcome

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