Reply to post: Re: Darwin Mode

Sleeping Tesla driver wonders why his car ploughed into 11 traffic cones on a motorway


Re: Darwin Mode

Let's do away with the misleading 'Auto Pilot' name and call it what it is.

And since you mentioned it...

Mrs Commswonk & I went to the cinema [1] yesterday evening and one of the very loud advertisements before the film was for another make of car equipped with "ProPilot Technology".[2]

Below all the hype (in a rather smaller font) there was a very brief appearance (as in blink and you'll miss it) of a disclaimer which boiled down to "may not always work". Caveat Emptor, as usual.

[1] The story might be a bit juvenile but the CGI in The Lion King is breathtakingly good.

[2] Am I the only person who gets pissed off by marketing adding the word "Technology" to all and sundry these days?

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