Reply to post: Re: Will the 737 MAX ever be safe?

Boeing's 737 Max woes trigger BEEELLIONS in losses – and that's just for the latest quarter

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Will the 737 MAX ever be safe?

Admittedly I'm not even an armchair expert on this subject, but surely the steps to the aircraft for the passengers are the responsibility of the airport who will already be handling all types and sizes of planes? Similar with ground crews, also provided by the airport?

The bigger lifts, surely they just keep pressing 'up' a bit longer to reach up higher?

Maintenance crews will need retraining but they also require extensive retraining for each iteration of an aircraft anyway. Even if the pilots need a quick refresher, the guys who work under the hood will be seeing a lot of differences.

Sure the Pilots will need comprehensive re-training but it's good to get them to ensure CPD throughout their careers.

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