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Brussels changes its mind AGAIN on .EU domains: Euro citizens in post-Brexit Britain can keep them after all

Dan 55 Silver badge

The way that the EC has dealt with the question of .eu domains is indicative of the broader issues that led so many Brits to vote for Brexit in the first place: boldly stated bad decisions made without proper consultation and built on ignorance that are then subsequently changed by equally confident changes after flaws in the first decision are highlighted. See also the lies about bendy bananas and chilled kippers that helps fuel the Brexit mess.

I don't understand, how do two lies thought up by Boris Johnson (one a couple of decades ago and one last week) equate to a member state leaving the EU? Before then it was pretty cut and dried (you live in the EU, you can get a .eu domain), the question is how to grandfather people with a .eu domain based in the UK.

The EU is a petty burocratic rules-based institution and is found wanting in some areas, but the approach managed to bring 28 countries together. How else are they supposed to trust each other if not through rules?

Which will do better in the long term? Three decades of bollocks in the media plus a decade of austerity and an establishment hell-bent on winding back the clock or some semblance of rules? I'd like to think the latter.

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