Reply to post: Re: Paranoid much

Incognito mode won't stop smut sites sharing your pervy preferences with Facebook, Google and, er, Oracle

CountCadaver Silver badge

Re: Paranoid much

i.e. or decides that x type of porn is now illegal and the law applies retrospectively / that or if its found in your browsing history your a sick pervert........

Already there have been multiple attempts to ban porn entirely in Scotland, generallty pushed by extremists such as SWAP, only failed last time after an intervention from Feminists Against Censorship....

Anti sex / porn fanatics won't give up, they'll run their committee hearings over and over, court the media, call "witnesses" who support their view, get them to weep on camera about how distressed porn makes them and how these people appearing in it are unwittingly brainwashed and exploited, along with "it deems ALL women so MUST be stopped IMMEDIATELY" and try through attrition to get their own way.....

Holyrood particularly is becoming a Fruitopia, catering to some of the most illiberal proposals I've ever heard......

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