Reply to post: Re: 2.5MW

Hell hath no fury like a radar engineer scorned

Alan Brown Silver badge

Re: 2.5MW

"if the aircraft has it's bomb bay open"

Or it's wet (which was also the case) - stealth is primarily a fair weather technology as sheeting water (conductive) on the outside of the aircraft starts messing up all the lovely optimised surfaces.

Even flying through a nice fluffy cumulus is reputed to pick up enough moisture to seriously affect the radar signature of low-reflectivity designs.

WRT "stealthy from certain angles" - right on. The F35 is only designed for stealth on a 35 degree cone from the nose boresight. It's not particularly stealthy from other angles, which is a problem if air defenses and ground communications are working in the areas being flown over (think: radar tracking from behind, directing missiles launched from in front). This is because it was _originally_ designed as a ground support aircraft: only going in once the F22 had eliminated all the airborne and ground-based threats to aircraft (selling it as an air superiority fighter is somewhat overegging the pudding. It might work when firing missiles from 20 miles away but the moment the opponent sees it, it's game over)

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