Reply to post: Re: A new OS from Google

Google's Fuchsia OS Flutters into view: We're just trying out some new concepts, claims exec

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: A new OS from Google

I see that the Google Fanboys are out in force today. sic

Monsieur Monett is asking a perfectly valid question yet he gets downvoted for doing so.

Those of you who did downvote this are more than welcome to go and live in your cozy world where Google and Amazon can satisfy your every need (at a hefty price naturally).

Those of us who benefit from years of experience in the IT world will continute to ask this sort of question especially when the arc slurpers are involved. I also include Microsoft in this.

I deliberately limit my exposure to Google, don't buy anything from Amazon unless there is nowhere else and stopped using anything from Redmond years ago.

Viva la Revolution!

May your life and data be protected from these leeches.

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