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I got 502 problems, and Cloudflare sure is one: Outage interrupts your El Reg-reading pleasure for almost half an hour

doublelayer Silver badge

Even if we could magically decentralize CloudFlare and make people write nice HTML or at least store their own scripts, the internet wouldn't be a lot less fragile. The reason for that is that there are very few places that process all our traffic. There's only one line leading to your house that actually works, but that's a short length that isn't the main issue. The issue is that there's only one line that connects your ISP's local unit to whatever center they have for sending it out of local, and only a few lines (or maybe just one) connecting large areas to other large areas. What happens when cables stop working? Large parts of the internet lose connectivity. Routing around that kind of damage requires a web of lines, but a lot of the world operates on chains of lines instead. It's hopeless; the internet can't really route around damage. We just put our systems in lots of parts so we can weather most small disconnects and otherwise we're hoping nothing really bad happens.

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