Reply to post: Re: Places where

Eggheads have found a positive link between the number of racist tweets and the number of racist hate crimes in US cities

Lee D Silver badge

Re: Places where

Just in 2019 alone, BBC News has carried three front-page stories of people being arrested and charged in the UK for using racist language on public transport, getting themselves recorded on other traveller's cameraphones and then those people (rightly) escalate that complaint to police, who (rightly) act upon it.

I can't say I'm at all horrified by that. Normalisation of such acts is exactly what allows them to propagate. Nobody should be made to feel humiliated, threatened or persecuted because they happen to be a slightly different colour or speak in a slightly different accent, especially when the perpetrators are often the dumbest, skankiest, most worthless people alive even if you set their racism to one side, and especially when the entire foundation of their threatening "go home" rant is predicated on the other being a different colour when in fact they were all likely born in Britain.

You can shout and yell at people if you want, call them names, etc. there's no law against that. What you can't do is start a scene and intimidate anyone on the basis of your own (illegal) prejudice.

(Cue the USians now lecturing us on our 1984, CCTV, rampant terrorism, stabbings-every-second, police-state culture while simultaneously not understanding even one little bit quite how much cow excrement that all is - and not picking up that *private* citizens were the only ones to voluntarily record and report it and the police knew nothing about it until they did, and that in all the major reported instances nobody was physically hurt whatsoever... come and experience and understand British culture or shut up with your Trump-parroted tabloid fictions).

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