Reply to post: P.C's dont' really burn - Do they?

Comms room, comms room, comms room is on fire – we don't need no water, let the engineer burn

PM from Hell

P.C's dont' really burn - Do they?

I was in the OPS room in the pre-service desk days (yes there was a time before hell desks) and we took one of the weekly 'my computer is on fire calls'. The computers were never on fire. Someone had usually turned on on for the first time in a week and it was burning dust off or the capacitors had baked and the pc was about to expire.

Our standard advice was to unplug everything and wait for an engineer. This call became different very quickly when the user asked if she had to push her hands through the flames. She was told to get out and hit the fire alarm and we made the 999 call on her behalf

Again showing my age the standard advice for a data centre fire was to evacuate the DC, hit the halon release on the way out then hit the building fire alarm. |I lived in fear for several years in one role as the property department had resisted the airlock doors for the data centre leaving the Halon release outside in a public corridor. Amazingly no one ever gave it a try in the 6 years I was there.

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