Reply to post: Re: "the cost of which would be automatically taken from their wages"

Imagine being charged to take a lunch break... even if you didn't. Welcome to the world of these electronics assembly line workers

heyrick Silver badge

Re: "the cost of which would be automatically taken from their wages"

Actually, the EU waffle says exactly this: Member States shall take the measures necessary to ensure that, where the working day is longer than six hours, every worker is entitled to a rest break, the details of which, including duration and the terms on which it is granted, shall be laid down in collective agreements or agreements between the two sides of industry or, failing that, by national legislation. [ ]

In my country (France) and my sector of work (argoalimentaire) it's a half hour for shift workers (7h30 worked normally) and 45 minutes for daytime workers (7-8 hours worked depending on who) and more for management types (usually an hour but very flexible, but they get away with it as they're paid a flat rate for seven hours a day and usually work an hour or more in addition to that).

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