Reply to post: Re: America : the #1 hypocrite

ALIS through the looking glass: F-35 fighter jet's slurpware nearly made buyers pull out – report


Re: America : the #1 hypocrite

There was a Soviet joke in the Seventies, about Brezhnev wishing to impress his aged mother. So he takes her everywhere, shows her everything he's got - and he's got quite a lot, since he's the big shot in Soviet politics at the time - but his mother gets more and more agitated. "What's wrong?" Brezhnev asks, "As you can see, I've made quite something of myself." "It's not that," his mother replies. "I'm terrified that the Bolsheviks'll come back again ..."

I'm sure Paul Revere would be most upset at the chaarges laid against the descendants of his and his Minute-Men, but I expect he would be even more upset at the charges being proved true ...

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