Reply to post: Expert

'AI is not the cause, it’s an accelerant. The pace of change is challenging' Experts give Congress deepfakes straight dope



Ilya» I'm the expert, you need no others.

What is the opposite of a troll? Proselytiser, perhaps?

I. Geller passionately believes in all that he writes yet still ends up writing like a troll.

Personally, I consider the consumption of news akin to the consumption of food. If you want to binge on American cable-networks, the fast-food outlets of the news world, then you can expect bad things to happen to you down the road. One needs a balanced diet. You know what is good for you — quality journalism from respected news outlets and you need to consume a wide range of news outlets.

If your information comes only from one source and is almost impossible to corroborate, then the chance of being fake is quite high.

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