Reply to post: Re: "Cupertino idiot tax"

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Lord Elpuss Silver badge

Re: "Cupertino idiot tax"

You wrote: "If everyone around me was paying £100 for 100 grams of feces, that doesn't make it worth the price."

I replied: "That's literally what it means. Capitalism 101."

Then you wrote: "That was written because you suggested that you would buy 100 grams of feces for £100 if everyone else was doing it."

If everyone is buying feces at £100 for 100 grams, that's what it's clearly worth (because everyone is willing to pay it). It doesn't mean I would buy it. I can appreciate objectively that a classic car might be worth a million dollars because that's what the market is trading at - but I wouldn't buy one.

"A product is worth the price when enough people buy and keep it to make manufacture viable - obviously if they buy it and return it, then all bets are off."

Exactly, which isn't what you originally said. You just said that if people buy a product, it's worth the charged price.

I was trying to understand your viewpoint and clarify the definition of the word 'Buy' (as in: 'bought and not returned'). I now see that this confused the issue. My original statement stands; a product is worth what people will pay for it, no more and no less.

Your last statement "I think that is the key to the success of large corps like Google and Apple. They maintain a level of quality that it becomes the normal for people to pay the prices they do." is absolutely correct.

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