Reply to post: I am tired of you bringing up Trump for no reason.

It's official! The Register is fake news… according to .uk overlord Nominet. Just a few problems with that claim, though

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

I am tired of you bringing up Trump for no reason.

There is a lot of fake news out there. Just check out the BBC's review of the horror movie Ma. One of the most absurd "fake news" statements is that Ma is short for (Black) Mammy. No it's not. If you don't want to take the word of someone who grew up in the South during the Civil rights movement you can look it up on the OED. She also made the claim that Mammies never existed. Just look up Plessy v. Ferguson.

One of my favorite fake news stories the one that claimed Antifa is a black organization. You can look it up for yourself, I don't have the energy.

I am not even sure that Trump coined the term. Your site would have a lot more credibly if you left your Trump hating out of your articles.

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