Reply to post: Re: @ Geoffery Sleep is a Good Thing(TM)

Introducing 'freedom gas' – a bit like the 2003 deep-fried potato variety, only even worse for you

veti Silver badge

Re: @ Geoffery Sleep is a Good Thing(TM)

Many, many people have tried to predict the precise time of the Rapture. To date, all of them have been wrong. And not just "wrong" in the sense of being out by a few hours or days or years because of some imperfections in their data, but in the sense of their entire argument being based wholly on fallacies.

Of course it's possible that one day someone may get it right, but at the moment they have a 100% failure rate in the same way as humans have a 100% mortality rate. There are people who have not yet died, so technically that rate isn't really 100% on a strict evidentiary basis, but most people are pretty confident of it.

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