Reply to post: Re: Is it time....

Google relents slightly in ad-blocker crackdown – for paid-up enterprise Chrome users, everyone else not so much

Steven Raith

Re: Is it time....

Has to be said, this comment thread made me dig out my Raspberry Pi, throw an image of DietPi on it, and bop PiHole on it.

It's not perfect (uBlock origin is damned seamless when it comes to removing ads - PiHole obviously can't do some browser based stuff, etc) but it's pretty straighforward once you get into it and once it's up and running, just bang it as your DHCP servers default DNS assignment and you're away - zero client side config.

So on Monday, I'll be replicating that in the office, on a VM, and blocking all ads at the network level in there too, methinks.

Good shout, Commentards. Good shout.

Steven R

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