Reply to post: Re: My eyes, my bandwidth, my choice

Google relents slightly in ad-blocker crackdown – for paid-up enterprise Chrome users, everyone else not so much


Re: My eyes, my bandwidth, my choice

I don't mind ads per se but with a few important caveats (caveant?)

1. I loathe tracking and personalisation. I am not unhappy to receive random ads.

2. I loathe ads that suck up bandwidth and screen-space. Ads that are not obtrusive are OK.

3. I don't want ads loading last — and I'm looking here at you Bing — which cause me to click on the ad rather than the first returned entry. It just makes me annoyed.

4. I don't want third-party websites knowing that I'm visting your site. I don't care about fancy typefaces and I do care about having my usage data harvested. As with point 1, I don't want to be profiled and I intend to make it as hard as I can for those who want to do it.

5. I regard third-party scripts as creepy men jotting down who is attending where and when. Kafka and Communist East Germany spring to mind.

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