Reply to post: Re: They can test all they want

It's the curious case of the vanishing iPhone sales as Huawei grabs second place off Apple in smartmobe stakes

doublelayer Silver badge

Re: They can test all they want

I'm wondering whether this is actually just AOSP with their layer on top, for the simple reason that the app market has made it pretty clear that they're not going to start writing for another mobile platform what with the failures of Windows Phone, Firefox OS, and Ubuntu Touch, all of which had some buy-in from a few hardware manufacturers. I could see Huawei spending a bit longer reimplementing some compatibility with Google Play Services because they know a lot of apps will refuse to run otherwise, so that might explain it. It could also be a project run by a small team as a just-in-case, so not a major priority with many devs until it really became important.

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