Reply to post: Fuck the US government

Twist my Arm why don't you: Brit CPU behemoth latest biz to cease work with Huawei – report

Poncey McPonceface

Fuck the US government

Fuck their militarism, fuck their strong-arming, fuck their sanctions, fuck their embargoes, fuck their extraterritorial drone strikes, fuck their torturing, fuck their regime change wars, fuck their endless wars, fuck their interventions, fuck their trouble-making, fuck their support of dictatorships, fuck their blockades, fuck their arrogance, fuck them not for not following international norms, fuck them for all the treaties they haven't signed up to, fuck them for all the treaties they've pulled out of, fuck their double-standards, fuck their imperialism, fuck their support of Israel, fuck the lot of them.

I hope and pray that China is the rock upon which the USS Hegemon is shipwrecked.

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