Reply to post: Re: New Overlay Network (Was: Re: Shambolic)

Home Office cops an earful for emergency network feck-ups - £3bn overbudget and 3 years late

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: New Overlay Network (Was: Re: Shambolic)

Yes the Ait-to-Ground (A2G) aspect of the project includes a new overlay network operating in TDD Band-40 (2.35GHz) otherwise known as the top-half of the former amateur radio 13cms band.

The problem has gotten really complex as some users insist on up to four radios in an aircraft, plus at these frequencies the antennas are directional and there are problems with fixed wing aircraft needing multiple sets of antennas so that when they bank and turn one set is still facing the ground and not in shadow of the fuselage.


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