Reply to post: Re: Year of Linux

The Year Of Linux On The Desktop – at last! Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 brings the Linux kernel into Windows


Re: Year of Linux

what about those custom software that people use everyday that ONLY run on Windows and ONLY Windows

Yes, we have some. More often than not it's some HTML piped over the Intranet and shown in a UI decorated window using the awful HTML rendering engine in %%WINDIR%%. Worse, if you take it off the desktop and onto, say, an Ultrabook-like device, it gets all confused and renders like an upturned sack of shit and woe betide you if you forget some of it is broken and try to do a transaction in IE instead of Chrome, such as <UI elided to protect the guilty> because you'll be filling that form in again with the customer watching you and thinking "what an incompetent arse" written all over their face..

I'm so glad I'm recovered (ASR-wise). I only have to use this crap now, not support it.

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