Reply to post: Re: As a non citizen..Nothing new. Its always been that way. Everywhere

Hey, those warrantless smartphone searches at the US border? Unconstitutional, yeah? Civil-rights warriors ask court to settle this


Re: As a non citizen..Nothing new. Its always been that way. Everywhere


Lets look at the statistical data available to us. I condensed the numeric data using Wikipedia and validated a sample of their resources; since the number matches what the FBI and other federal sources report, I'm comfortable that the number reflects a reasonable level of truth.

Since 2000, there have been over 3200 deaths on American soil due to terrorism with an overwhelming 95% rate by Muslim extremists claiming to do so in the name of Allah. An additional 6656 seriously injured on top of that. More if we add in attacks on embassies and other American businesses, but lets focus on America.

Since 2000, there have been a total of 650 deaths in total for mass shootings in the USA. Add 1063 for injuries; which given that they're gunshot wounds do NOT include blown off legs, arms, etc.

I applaud your fearlessness, but to me those statistics are good enough to make me less scared of an idiot with a gun (who I'll shoot) than a terrorist with a bomb, who doesn't care if they live or die. IMHO.

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