Reply to post: Re: @Len After 50 weeks

Julian Assange jailed for 50 weeks over Ecuador embassy bail-jumping


Re: @Len After 50 weeks

As wikileaks has exposed, the US is already A haven.

It doesn't recognise the ICJ in The Hague, hasn't punished the perpetratirs of the war crimes that were exposed, blocks ICJ investigations by threatening the investigators and even if a US citizen were ever goimg to be on trial in The Hague, Bush put in a law that allows the US to invade the Netherlands.

I realise that the US govt no longer represents the population, but at the moment it fits all the check boxes of a rogue state. Barbarians at the gate. Destroying cities as an example and then threatening to do the same to other cities if these don't comply worked for Ghengis Khan, now it's just being done on a global scale with whole countries.

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