Reply to post: Re: Any blame on Hertz for not actually being in charge?

Accenture sued over website redesign so bad it Hertz: Car hire biz demands $32m+ for 'defective' cyber-revamp

Terry 6 Silver badge

Re: Any blame on Hertz for not actually being in charge?

This makes sense.Should Hertz (for want of a better example) have business expertise on how to clean offices?

This highlights the falsity of this argument. The client company needs staff who can actually monitor the bought in work.

A company's staff can mostly identify whether the offices are being cleaned according to contract ( as long as the contract makes sense). As an educational manager I checked the premises and held the contractors to account. But even there I met limits. I couldn't check everything always and some contracts were negotiated well above my pay grade, usually by people who had no idea of how we used the spaces. (As in a padded secure room for kids with serious behaviour issues tends to need a bit more time for cleaning than an ordinary classroom- and yes we did have that argument with the bean counters!). Even with cleaning there are technicalities that need expertise from the client to ensure the job is done correctly.

Outsourcing the capacity to monitor and understand the service that's been outsourced means that you are leaving yourself open to be ripped apart. A big IT project needs to be monitored by staff who understand what's going on. Sadly the accountants that promote outsourcing seem to base their calculations on the entire role and skill set being taken off the payroll when in reality you need to retain a percentage simply to write the initial contract and then keep control of the process.

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